To Brenda Oakes, mother, lgbt-rights campaigner, co-coordinator of Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays as well as Manchester Parents' Group. From Ingrid F.

Scan of the letter


Dear Brenda Oakes,

I just learnt about you today in a Dear Friend Workshop. I wish I had someone like you in my life when I was a teenager. I wish there were Brenda Oakes’ in every town, every high school. Things are so much better thanks to you and FFLAG but education is still not what it could be. Your frank and honest responses to people are moving and inspiring. Thank you.

Love, Ingrid.

About Brenda Oakes

mother, lgbt-rights campaigner, co-coordinator of Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays as well as Manchester Parents' Group. Born 1930, died 2014. More information about Brenda Oakes.

Received March 12, 2016.
Published June 22, 2016.