To Barbara Wootton, sociologist and criminologist. From June Westley.

Scan of the letter


Dear Barbara Wootton,

You were the first, or one of the first, women to do so many things - tech at Cambridge, where they wouldn’t give you a degree, one of the first women in the House of Lords. You were involved and instrumental in so many developments in the law & social conditions, working for example, with Aneurin Bevan on the development of the welfare state. How did you find the energy?

I have read the biography “A Critical Woman” by Ann Oakley & wish this book was more widely read. It would be an inspiration to many young women and girls.


About Barbara Wootton

sociologist and criminologist. Born 1897, died 1988. More information about Barbara Wootton.

Received June 4, 2016.
Published August 3, 2016.