To Enid Blyton, author. From Bernie Jordan.

Scan of the letter


Dear Enid Blyton,

I just want to tell you that your stories were fantastic. My generation and my mother’s generation were transported by them into fantasy worlds created by you. I sat on many a Sunday afternoon with my brothers, sisters and cousins listening to my aunt reading from the big Enid Blyton story book. We listened to our favourite stories again and again. Some had moral messages, some had mythical creatures, magical events and imaginary worlds. The stories gave me the freedom to be creative in the way I think. They also demonstrate to me the power of imagination. The part of my life that is on the margin between physical reality and imagination is important. You spoke to that part of me…


About Enid Blyton

author. Born 1897, died 1968. More information about Enid Blyton.

Received August 20, 2016.
Published September 23, 2016.