To Aunty Megan, aunt. From Carina Ripley.


Dear Aunty Megan, You are my family, my biggest fan, my teacher, my inspiration. You are the only person, other than Mum who can make me annoyed without doing anything! Your cuddles feel like home and I treasure your guidance and advice. You make me want to work harder, love deeper and make art that can change the world. I wish that Austin was just a bus journey away, rather than an ocean away. I love knowing that no matter how far away it is, and how long it would take me to get there – you would always have a place for me. It amazes me that I have only had you as my Aunty for 8?(I’m actually not quite sure!) years, because I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. Soul family for sure. Distance, time, the separate and busy nature of our lives means nothing, because I always know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are out there – loving me. I love you Aunty Megan. You are one of the most special people I have ever met. Knowing you. Loving you. It’s an honour. All my love, Carina xxx

PS: I am helping Izzy facilitate her first workshop soon, I’m so excited to support her in that. I want to thank you for teaching and supporting my facilitation skills so well. It’s truly a gift and I’m glad to be able to pass that on.

About Aunty Megan


Received November 16, 2016.
Published March 9, 2017.